August 15, 2008

First Day


And today

How in the world did that happen?!

Not too long ago, you were not able to go to sleep until you were snuggled into the crook of my arm, your thumb firmly in your mouth. And now you've taken your first steps into a much wider world, completely separate from me.

When you were born, I was pretty darn sure that you were going to be my baby forever. I was quite content with the two beautiful girls I had ... what more did I need? But before you had even turned two, that plan had changed and I'm so glad that it did. Not just because I adore your baby sister, but because I've loved seeing you in the role of big sister.

You are such a little helper around the house. You love working with me in the kitchen and will often decide go clean up your room or the playroom on your own. I can guarantee you did not get these tendencies from me. You should have seen the sweet little look on your face yesterday when your teacher said you were to be the first 'Happy Helper' on Monday. Oh, the joy! You'll make a great one baby! You were a born happy helper.

I love how big you make your eyes when you are excited, the way you love a good joke, and your happy laugh. It's going to be awfully quiet around here in the mornings. Your baby sister might just be completely lost without you. You are a bright little light in our home and your daddy and I are so proud of you.

Have fun baby ... you're going to be amazing!